
Early childhood is a time of life when children learn far better through direct interactive experiences. They learn extraordinary amounts through play and exploration and we design our program to fit them. Our kindergarten classes are consistently busy with activity. Children are involved in their work of exploring, talking, sharing, playing and learning.

Our curriculum is woven into the activities in which children choose to participate. We attempt to provide developmentally appropriate and simulating activities that change continually over the course of the school year.

When we say that we use an integrated curriculum we mean that math, art, social studies, science, health and literacy are included in the flow of activities. The goal is to provide a balance of opportunities for children to learn about many subjects in the curriculum areas. We incorporate the McMillan Treasures reading materials and Pearson Investigation Math.

Parents are invited to volunteer whenever they are able. There are many ways that parents can help both in and out of the classroom.

View the current standards for math and language arts.


Art education is an important part of the Camas Ridge curriculum. Three times during the year, students participate in a three-week art block of their choosing. The Art Block is more than art activities but an intentional study of art techniques and artist both famous and not so famous. Students create work that is inspired by artists and techniques but not reproductions.

Parents help by documenting and preparing art displays with teachers for two Art Walks. The Art Walks are held in the evenings for parents, friends and community members to observe the wonder, exploration and learning that students experienced during the art block. Their final art products are also on display.